Spend less time searching.

Use Omnidex to find who you are looking for.

Risk Management and Background Search

If you are researching a person or a company, you need to find all the records about them.  That includes records that don’t exactly match your search criteria.  Some records might use a nickname.  Words might be misspelled.  Numbers might be transposed.  They shouldn’t be hidden just because they are not recorded the way you expect.

You don’t have to think like a database.
Let Omnidex think like you.

Omnidex allows you to do intelligent searches, even on your big data.  Google already provides this for web pages. Omnidex provides this for databases. Find the background search data that closely matches your criteria, even if it doesn’t match exactly.

Omnidex works perfectly with large databases used for:

      • Background checks
      • Employment screening
      • Public record searches
      • Credit history
      • Credit rating

Omnidex’s database search engine lets you perform intelligent, “fuzzy” searches that find data that closely matches your criteria.

  • Keyword search
  • Synonym searches
  • Phonetic searches
  • Misspelling searches
  • Transpositions
  • Geographic searches

Companies Using Omnidex for Risk Management and Background Search