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Omnidex Administration

What is Omnidex Administration?

Omnidex administration is similar to database administration. Omnidex administration includes:

  • Pointing Omnidex to your data
  • Designing an Omnidex indexing strategy
  • Creating Omnidex indexes
  • Optimizing Omnidex queries

Your First Omnidex Application

Most Omnidex administrators like to dive right in. They like to quickly bring up an Omnidex application so that they can see what it is like. Afterwards, they spend more time learning about Omnidex. This second step equips them to deploy high-performing business applications.

To introduce you to the process of Omnidex Administration, watch this 5-minute video titled Creating Your First Omnidex Application. Next, follow our simple Quick Start Guide to create a working Omnidex database yourself.

Learning More About Omnidex

The best way to learn more about Omnidex is to read about Building Omnidex Applications. Learn how Omnidex is involved in each stage of an application, including design, prototype, development, testing, staging, production and optimization.

Next, read more about the capabilities of Omnidex by reading the Topics section. This section will teach you the basic capabilities of Omnidex and will help you understand where you want to implement Omnidex in your application.

Once you understand the capabilities of Omnidex, refer to your Instruction Guides for how to create Omnidex applications and tune queries.

Developers will also want to refer to our Developers Guide which gives detailed instruction on the programming interfaces, including ODBC and JDBC, as well as a detailed reference manual on the Omnidex SQL Language.

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admin/home.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:24 (external edit)