Omnidex SQL Function: $IFNULL


$IFNULL specifies a return value for columns that contain null values. The column data type and the return value data type must match.

If column-value is NULL then return specified-value, else return column-value

Use of this function could change the results of a calculated average. A true NULL is generally not included in a count and thus not included in an average. A NULL altered with this function will be included in the count and the average.


$IFNULL(column_spec, specified-value)


Required. Column name that might contain a null value.


Required. The value to return if the column value is null. This value must be of the same data type as the column.


Example 1

SELECT company,
$IFNULL(contact, 'No contact')
FROM customers 
WHERE state = 'ca'
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dev/sql/functions/ifnull.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:28 (external edit)