Omnidex Documentation Important Information

Dynamic Information Systems is currently upgrading the Omnidex Documentation so that Omnidex is fully documented as of Omnidex Version 5.1 scheduled for release in January 2010.

You may noticed that several links in the documentation are in red text. This indicates that the particular documentation page is not yet available.

Omnidex DDL Statements

Currently the 5.0 documentation contains information on version 5.0 as well as some information on the 5.1 Data Definition Language statements such as:


Note that the DDL statements will not be available until the Omnidex 5.1 release.

Omnidex Compiled Environments and Omnidex XML Environments

For existing customers transitioning from Omnidex version 4.x to Omnidex version 5.0 and Omnidex version 5.1, note that Omnidex Environments can now take two different forms:

  1. Omnidex Compiled Environments
  2. Omnidex XML Environments

Omnidex XML Environments are the new and preferred method of maintaining Omnidex's view of your underlying data. However, until 5.1 is released in January, 2010 with support for the Omnidex Data Definition Statements, Omnidex Environments must continue to be maintained by compiling an Omnidex Environment Source. Please refer to the Omnidex Version 4.x documentation for information on how to create an Omnidex Environment Source.

Use the following guide to determine whether to use an Omnidex XML Environment or an Omnidex Compiled Environment.

  • Previous to version 5.0, use OACOMP to compile an Omnidex Environment Source into an Omnidex Compiled Environment and DBINSTAL to create and maintain Omnidex indexes.
  • After version 5.0 and before version 5.1, use OACOMP to translate an Omnidex Environment Source into an Omnidex XML Environment. This can be used with the CONNECT Statement or ODBC and JDBC connections. However, Omnidex XML Environments cannot be accessed by DBINSTAL so a shadow Omnidex Compiled Environment will have to be used for creating and maintaining indexes with DBINSTAL.
  • After version 5.1 and before version 5.2, use OdxSQL and Omnidex Data Definition Language Statements such as CREATE ENVIRONMENT and CREATE TABLE to maintain an Omnidex XML Environment.
  • After version 5.2, use the Windows application OdxAdmin or OdxSQL to maintain an Omnidex XML Environment.
  • For all versions after version 5.0, continue to use an Omnidex Compiled Environment for features only supported with an Omnidex Compiled Environment.
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important_information.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:19 (external edit)