
What is Omnidex?

  • Omnidex is a highly-optimized search and analytic engine that delivers dramatically faster queries for business intelligence and online applications using standard SQL interfaces.
  • Omnidex provides flexible search capabilities that go well beyond a standard database. Omnidex indexes your textual data using search engine-like features, and uses fuzzy searches so that you don't worry about exact search terms or misspellings.
  • Omnidex supports your relational database by adding speed and flexibility without altering the underlying database. Omnidex can enhance your query performance without jeopardizing your investment in the relational system.
  • Omnidex indexes flat file data without costly imports into a relational database. Omnidex provides a complete SQL engine for your raw data files and transaction logs, all using standard ODBC and JDBC interfaces.

Where is Omnidex used?

Omnidex is used in a wide variety of applications. Essentially, Omnidex is used when you need high performance and increased flexibility. Some of the more common Omnidex applications include:

How is Omnidex implemented?

There are three basic steps to implementing Omnidex into your applications:

  1. Tell Omnidex where to find your data.
  2. Add Omnidex indexing to your data.
  3. Connect to Omnidex and perform queries.

Omnidex applications are easy to prototype. Omnidex will walk you through all of these steps using the Omnidex Administrator. Once you have created your Omnidex-enhanced database, you can run queries and see the performance for yourself.

As with all things, it is valuable to understand Omnidex more deeply before building a production application. Omnidex has many powerful features. Learning about these features will help you decide where you want to enhance your application.

How long has Omnidex been around?

Omnidex was introduced in 1981 during an era when companies were just beginning to use computers for their day-to-day operations. During the 1980's, Omnidex provided indexing to the early database users in the Hewlett-Packard marketplace. During the 1990's, Omnidex expanded to support databases across Windows, UNIX and VMS operating systems. Today, Omnidex uses standard interfaces to automatically optimize SQL queries across the major databases and operating systems. Over nearly three decades, Omnidex has been used by over 4,000 customers in countries around the world.

How can I find out more information?

If you are looking for technical advice on how to develop and deploy an Omnidex application, you can read more of this documentation, or you can speak to one of our technical staff.

If you are looking for more information about purchasing Omnidex, you can speak to one of our sales staff. .

Either way, we look forward to assisting you!

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overview/omnidex.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:24 (external edit)