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OAHELPER is used to generate an initial prototype of an Omnidex Environment Catalog Source file against a target database. A text editor is then used to manually manipulate the generated source code to add desired characteristics.

OAHELPER works against any supported database that contains an internal schema such as Oracle, Informix or an ODBC accessible data base.

OAHELPER does not work against file structures such as POSIX flat files that do not support an internal data schema.

Use a text editor to manually create a source file when OAHELPER is not an option.

OAHELPER can be operated in one of two modes: prompt driven or through command line directives. Specific prompts and directives are discussed in each section and general command line syntax is shown below.

Command Line Options

oahelper [options]

-help | ? Get OAHELPER help.

-version Get the OAHELPER version number.

-nobanner Prevents OAHELPER from printing the banner.

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programs/oahelper.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:24 (external edit)