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install:upgrading:v51_to_v52 [2012/02/23 20:19]
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-===== Upgrading from Version 5.1 to 5.2 ===== 
-Although 5.2 has not yet been released, there are a few items that are known changes from 5.1 to 5.2 that are worth knowing when doing 5.1 development. 
-The following is a list of items that are known changes between Omnidex 5.1 and 5.2. 
-=== Connection strings have changed === 
-In 5.1, a PHP connection string with Username and Password would be as follows: 
-  $conn = odbc_connect("​DRIVER={DISC OMNIDEX OdxNet Driver}; 
-          ENV=[localhost:​7555]c:​\\xavit\\xavit_mysql.xml","​xavit_user","​xavit_pass"​);​ 
-In 5.2, a PHP connection string to do the same thing would be as follows: 
-  $conn = odbc_connect(‘{DRIVER=Omnidex};​ConnectionString= 
-          [localhost:​7555]c:​\\xavit\\xavit_mysql.xml;​uid=xavit_user;​pwd=xavit_pass’,​’’,​’’);​ 
-=== C STRING data type is now STRING === 
-The C STRING data type has been renamed to STRING in 5.2.  C STRING is still supported as a synonym and will continue to work in the legacy Environment Catalogs as well as in the new Omnidex Data Definition Language (DDL) syntax. ​ However, it may be removed in future versions so all new Omnidex Environments should use the STRING syntax when referring to Character columns that can be NULL terminated for faster internal Omnidex processing. ​ 
-=== RegMaint and SysInfo functionality included in OdxSQL === 
-As part of DISC's continuing efforts to simplify the Omnidex product, the licensing functionality in the sysinfo and regmaint programs has been moved to the OdxSQL program. 
-=== TDF File type is now DELIMITED. === 
-The Tabbed-Delimited File type is now named DELIMITED since the column and row separators can be specified. 
-TDF is still a supported synonym for DELIMITED but may be removed in future releases. 
-=== Omnidex ODBC driver name change === 
-The Omnidex ODBC driver has been renamed as of the 5.2 release which can impact existing Microsoft Machine DataSources which are referred to as System and User data sources in the Data Sources Administrator. 
-The existing name is Omnidex ODBC Driver for OdxNet. 
-The new name is Omnidex. 
-DISC provides a program called odbcreg that can register the Omnidex ODBC driver under the supported Windows Operating Systems.  ​ 
-As of 5.2, this program has the option to register the old name as well as the new ODBC Driver name so that each datasource does not have to be converted.