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Left outer join

  • An outer join in which all rows from the left table in the JOIN clause are included, only rows from the right table with matching rows in the left table are included, and left table rows with no matching right table rows are matched with nulls.
  • an Omnidex search by a partially specified key followed by an at sign ( @ ). Also known as a generic retrieval.

Linked list

  • A degree of detail data in a data warehouse where “high granularity” indicates a large quantity of detail with little summarization. “Low granularity” indicates a small quantity of detail, or data greatly reduced through summarization.

Listening port

  • an MDK key option (;Gn) that treats several multiple keys as one logical entity.


  • A letter, group of letters, or symbol that stands for itself as opposed to a feature, function, column value in a record.
  • used in relation to Multifind, when data in two different data sets serve to create a correspondence between those records.

Low cardinality

  • Low table cardinality indicates few total records in a table.
  • Low column cardinality indicates a low number of unique values in a column. For example, a “Yes/No” column has low cardinality because it has only two possible values.
  • See cardinality.
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glossary/l.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:46 (external edit)