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  • Refers to a previously qualified list of Omnidex ids. Used in multiple qualifies to refine queries.

Samelist operators

  • AND, NOT, AND NOT (AND_NOT in oaqualify)
  • Included in a QUALIFY statements WHERE clause preceding the criteria predicate
  • Specified as an option is OAQUALIFY


  • The ability of a system to easily adapt to support larger or smaller volumes of data and more or fewer users.


  • Database layout. A detailed and possibly graphical representation of a database's design.


  • The process of cleaning data to make it consistent in preparation for data warehouse retrieval.

Search item

  • Primary key - SI
  • A field within a table that is used for calculated access in parent tables, and chained access in child tables

Select item

  • An item in a SQL SELECT statement's select-list. See the SQL Reference for details on valid select-list items.


  • A comma separated list of items to be returned to the application in a SQL SELECT statement. See the SQL Reference for details on valid select-list items.

Sequential read

  • A search of a file or database performed by comparing successive records with search criteria.

Serial read

  • A sequential read of records in a data set that is performed one block of records at a time.


  • A hardware component dedicated to a specific purpose.
  • The part of the client/server architecture which refers to the host CPU where the database and other corporate information is stored.

SI domain

  • An affiliation of one parent table, and one or more child tables, linked at installation, whose keyword values are all indexed in the same indexes. See also: search item.

Snowflake schema

  • A type of database design used in data warehousing involving multiple tables in a hierarchy within a given dimension i.e., data is organized into parent tables with branches to child tables and so-called grandparent tables (snow flakes).
  • When the schema is displayed graphically, it has the appearance of a snow flake.


  • ;SX
  • an indexing option which allows data retrieval based on phonetic arguments, useful for location of data with keys that are difficult to spell or that can be spelled in several ways.


  • In Multifind usage, refers to the item, set, or database that is supplying the data values used as search arguments.
  • Textual, uncompiled version of an Omnidex Environment Catalog.
  • Textual, uncompiled version of a computer program.

Special characters

  • A character that is parsed by Omnidex before being indexed
  • A character that is interpreted by Omnidex to have special meaning


  • Structured Query Language
  • A standardized computer language used to add, modify, delete, and retrieve information from a database

SQL Interfaces

  • Interface to ata bases and data stores.
  • Omnidex supports both ODBC and JDBC interfaces using both standard SQL and specific Omnidex SQL extensions.

Star schema

  • A type of database design used in data warehousing composed of a large sized fact table combined with numerous dimension tables, i.e., parent tables branched to child tables.

Summary table

  • A table containing pre-summarized data, typically used in ROLAP data warehousing, used to perform fast look-ups against specific, predictable combinations of criteria.
  • Omnidex aggregation indexes eliminate the need for summary tables.


  • The technique of flatening out multiple tables into a single table to facilitate very high-speed Omnidex access.


  • A process that is executed in conjunction with another process
  • In Omnidex, index updates that are update at the same time that the data updates occur.

System Data Source

  • Windows only. An ODBC data source that is stored in the System's registry. An Omnidex data source can be a System Data Source.
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glossary/s.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:46 (external edit)