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  • A collection of data typically organized in two or more dimensions, usually by row and column (or field).

Table cardinality

  • The number of rows in a table. See also: column cardinality, cardinality.

Table scan

  • An exhaustive read of all rows of data in a table, comparing search criteria against the respective columns, and which can involve significant amounts of I/O activity.


  • In Multifind, refers to the domain, data set, or field in which a list of keyword values is to be further qualified.
  • Regarding DISC utilities, refers to a data entity on which a specified operation is to be performed.

TCP Sockets

  • one of the transport methods used by OMNIDEX Client for transferring data packets between the client and server, used when clients access the server through a direct connection, as through a LAN.


* Transmission Control Protocol over Internet Protocol; the de facto standard Ethernet protocol used for inter-networks in the UNIX environment.

Textual data

  • data containing words, phrases, and sentences (as opposed to numeric or other fixed data).

Thick client

  • A client program or device which contains most of the presentation layer and program logic. See also: tier, thin client.

Thin client

  • A simple client program or device which relies on the server for most of the function of the system, are easy to maintain and deploy since program modifications are made only in a centralized location, and installation of updates are not required on each client seat. See also: tier, thick client.


  • tuple identification map; in OMNIDEX, six digits separated by commas that define the translation of native database row IDs to OMNIDEX IDs.
  • As of version 4.0, tidmaps are no longer used.


  • A level describing client/server architecture, where a two-tier model is a thick client model (e.g., a PC running a user interface as client, combined with a host/server on which a database and the application resides). A three-tier model is a thin client model (e.g., a PC with a user interface as a client, a separate server contains a database, and a third server contains an application program).

TR - Transparency

  • In OMNIDEX, the correlation of native database row IDs with OMNIDEX's internal equivalent through the use of a cross reference file.

TRR - Transparency / Row Number

  • Transparency with Record Number; a variant of TR; used on index installation on flat file databases, relational databases with composite search items, and when it is necessary to intersect aggregation indexes with MDK qualifications in a TR parent table.


  • As a data warehouse term, the data conversion process involved in transferring data from a legacy system to a data warehouse system.


  • A setting in the data source file that shows which transport method to use. See TCP Sockets and WRQ PPL.


  • A process or set of instructions that is activated automatically within a DBMS based on certain events. For instance, an update trigger would automatically run everytime a database table was updated.
    • used by ODXAIM to update the Omnidex indexes.


  • Technical Services Engineer; a representative of DISC who provides OMNIDEX troubleshooting expertise, and who provides on-line and telephone support to customers. TSEs do not address database design issues; PSEs provide database design and OMNIDEX implementation consulting services.


  • A process effected on a database by the database administrator (DBA) in an effort to improve the speed and efficiency of data retrievals and data throughput. Also known as database tuning.


  • A set of field, or column, values in a data file or database table; (2) a structured collection of information or data treated as a unit; also known as a row or record.
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glossary/t.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 14:46 (external edit)