OdxSQL Connect Environment


CONNECT establishes a connection to an Omnidex Environment and opens a cursor.

CONNECT is followed by either an Omnidex Environment filespec or a File DSN for ODBC, JDBC or CLOA connections.


 CONNECT [TO] Omnidex_Environment 
     [ON host[:port]] 
     [AS [user]/[password]]
     [USING api] 
     [WITH options]


Omnidex Environment

Reuired: This is the Omnidex Environment or ODBC or JDBC File DSN. If connecting to a File DSN then the USING api clause with ODBC, JDBC or OA needs to be specified.

[ON host[:port]]

Optionally specifiy the Host and Port for a network connection.

[AS [user]/[password]]

Optionally specify a username and password in the AS [ user]/[ password] clause.

[USING api]

Optionally specify which API to use for processing subsequent statements. The USING clause facilitates the testing of ODBC and JDBC environments for testing and optimization.

Allowable values for API are:

[WITH options]

Optionally specify connect options in the WITH clause.

The NOCURSOR option will cause a connection to be established without opening a cursor.


>connect orders.env
Connected to C:\Omnidex\Demodata\orders.env