• Omnidex does not support database transactions.
  • Omnidex does not support the relational ACID requirements (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability).
  • Most Omnidex applications will place tens or hundreds of indexes on a table, and this makes online updates impractical.
  • Omnidex Bitmap indexes are not updated on INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statements. Omnidex Bitmap indexes are used to improve queries that reference low-cardinality data, and are heavily used on tables containing millions of rows.
  • Omnidex Grids do not support INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statements.
  • Omnidex Rollup Tables are not updated on INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statements.
  • Omnidex Text Dictionaries are not updated on INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statements.
  • Omnidex cannot use Cached Qualification Optimizations on tables when tables are updated using INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statements.
  • Omnidex UPDATE statements do not allow SET commands to values other than literals or constants.
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admin/basics/updates/restrictions_insert.txt ยท Last modified: 2016/06/28 22:38 (external edit)