Java JDBC Omnidex Simple Connection/Select

Quick Notes

  • Make sure the Java SDK is properly installed. Refer to the installation instructions accompanying the Java SDK.
  • Make sure the Omnidex server software is properly installed on the server.
  • Make sure the Orders sample database is properly installed with Omnidex.
  • Start an Omnidex Network Server listener on the server.
  • Make sure the Omnidex client software is properly installed on the client and the omnidex.jar file is in the CLASSPATH.
  • Create an Omnidex Data Source using Data Source Editor (DSEDIT) that connects to the orders sample database on the server, through the running Omnidex Network Server listener. This Data Source must be a File data source.
  • Modify the OdxJDBCTest.java file (shown below).
  • Compile and run OdxJDBCTest java program.

Java Sample Code

/** Omnidex JDBC Example: Simple Select 
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class OdxSimpleSelect {
public OdxSimpleSelect() { }
// Main 
public static void main(String[] args){
// Declare JDBC objects 
  Connection odxconn = null;
  Statement odxstmt = null;
  ResultSet odxrs = null;
// Register the Omnidex JDBC driver 
catch(ClassNotFoundException ce) 
  System.out.println("Driver error: " + ce);
// Connect to the Omnidex Environment Catalog via a File DataSource
// DISC recommends using a connection string instead of a data source.
  odxconn = DriverManager.getConnection
catch(SQLException se) 
  System.out.println("Connect error: " + se);
// The SQL statement to be executed 
String sql = "select * from table1";
  odxstmt = odxconn.createStatement();
  odxrs = odxstmt.getResultSet();
// Print the results from the Result Set returned after the Select
    System.out.print(odxrs.getString(1) + "\n");
catch(SQLException se) 
  System.out.println("Execute query error: " + se);
// Close the Result Set, Statement and Connection objects */
  if(odxrs != null) odxrs.close();
  if(odxstmt != null) odxstmt.close();
  if(odxconn != null) odxconn.close();
catch(SQLException se) 
  System.out.println("Close error: " + se);
System.out.println("End of program.");
} // End Main
} // End Class
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dev/jdbc/examples/simpleselect.txt ยท Last modified: 2016/06/28 22:38 (external edit)