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The CREATE ENVIRONMENT statement creates an Omnidex Environment File stored in an XML file. This file contains Omnidex's view of the data to be used for indexing and retrieval.

An Omnidex Environment File may contain a complete or partial mapping to one or more relational data bases or a mapping to one or more raw data files. When using raw data files, several raw data files can be described just like a database, with datatypes, table relationships and indexing. The CREATE ENVIRONMENT statement is used in conjunction with the CREATE DATABASE, the CREATE TABLE and the CREATE INDEX statements to specify the entire meta-data for an Omnidex Environment.

The CREATE ENVIRONMENT statement has optional clauses to configure global settings. The CREATE ENVIRONMENT statement also is used to specify Omnidex Grid nodes for splitting data files into smaller partitions to facilitate query processing performance. These nodes are then referenced by name in the CREATE DATABASE and CREATE TABLE statements.


    [ DATA_CACHE number_of_megabytes ] 
    [ MAX_THREADS thread_count ]
    [ NODE node_name 
        [ HOST <LOCALHOST | host_name | host_ip_address>  [ PORT port_number ] ]
        [ ENVIRONMENT “filespec” ] ]
     [ CENTURY_THRESHOLD int_year ]
    IN “filename”                             /* must be after all previous clauses */
    [WITH options]                            /* if used, must be the very last clause  */

The CREATE ENVIRONMENT statement is used in conjunction with the DROP ENVIRONMENT statement.

     IN “filename”
     [WITH options] 

IN "filename"

The IN clause is required and specifies the location of the physical XML Environment File.

The IN clause must be specified after all other clauses except the WITH clause.

The filespec can be specified either as an absolute or a relative file specification. When using a relative file specification, it will be relative to the current working directory for the program that is being run.

The IN filespec must be enclosed within double quotes.

    IN "odx.xml";              /* relative filespec for either Linux or Windows */

    IN "c:\dev\odx.xml";       /* Windows absolute filespec */

  create environment 
    in "/usr/opt/dev/odx.xml"; /* UNIX/Linus absolute filespec */

DATA_CACHE number_of_megabytes

The DATA_CACHE clause declares the number of megabytes for Omnidex's internal hash tables used for high-speed table joins. The default is 32 megabytes and can be changed by specifying a numeric value representing the number of megabytes of memory. A value of NONE can also be used to cause Omnidex to not use any internal cache.

create environment 
  data_cache 1024               /* sets the data_cache to 1 gigabyte */
  in "sales.xml";

MAX_THREADS thread_count

The MAX_THREADS setting optionally specifies the number of concurrent nodes that will be being processed concurrently during an Omnidex query. Typically this value is set to one to two less than the number of processors. For example, on an eight processor system, a setting of MAX_THREADS 6 or MAX_THREADS 7 would be appropriate. The default is the number of nodes specified in CREATE ENVIRONMENT NODE clauses.

NODE node_name

The NODE clause declares a node in an Omnidex Grid. Nodes can then be referenced in subsequent CREATE DATABASE and CREATE TABLE statements.

Nodes are declared as either partitioned or unpartitioned. Omnidex Grids are initially created by partitioning a database into nodes. Each partitioned node contains a portion of the database, and the entire database then consists of the collection of partitioned nodes. An Omnidex Grid may also have unpartitioned nodes. An unpartitioned node is a complete copy of the database. Some queries will perform better when they are processed against a single node containing the entire database, rather than across many nodes containing individual partitions.

Nodes can reside on the local server or can reside on remote servers. Remote nodes require the declaration of the host name or IP address, an optional port number and the filename of the remote Omnidex Environment File.

create environment          
  data_cache                  32
  max_threads                 2
  node                        "GRID01" partitioned
  node                        "GRID02" partitioned
  node                        "GRID03" partitioned
  node                        "GRID04" partitioned
  node                        "GRID05" unpartitioned
  in                          "list.xml";


Nodes are either PARTITIONED or UNPARTITIONED. An UNPARTITIONED Environment contains the full table or files.

An UNPARTITIONED node is used when it is desirable to create a node which contains the entire set of data.

A node can be partitioned, unpartitioned or have neither specified. A partitioned node is one where one or more tables has been partitioned. An unpartitioned node is one where no tables have been partitioned, meaning that the node contains a complete copy of the database. If the partitioning is not declared, it is presumed to be a partitioned node.

HOST < LOCALHOST | host_name | host_ip_address >

Within the NODE clause, the HOST specifies either a host_name or host_ip_address for a remote server containing this particular NODE. If no HOST/PORT information is specified, then this NODE is on the same server as the grid controller.

LOCALHOST is used to specify the local server and is typically used for testing.

create environment
  data_cache 32
  node "grid01" partitioned   host localhost port 7555
  node "grid02" partitioned   host server1 port 7555
  node GRID03   unpartitioned
  node grid04                 host server2 port 7555
  node "GRID05" unpartitioned
  in "list.xml"
  with delete;

PORT port_no

The PORT setting is the well known port_no that the OdxNet Network Services process uses to establish socket network connections. The default port_no used by OdxNet is 7555.

ENVIRONMENT environment_filespec

The environment_filespec is a file specification containing the Omnidex Environment File for the particular NODE.

The environment_filespec can be either relative or an absolute file specification. Note that the relative file specification is relative to where the OdxNet process is running on the remote server so typically absolute file specifications are used.


The SQL_SYNTAX setting determines whether Omnidex will allow Oracle database specific syntax in an SQL statement. This setting can also be set programmicatally using the SET statement.


The default for this setting is OMNIDEX and the Oracle SQL extensions can be turned off programmicatally usng the SET statement.



The CENTURY_THRESHOLD setting determines whether a year that is expressed without the century (such as 12/31/80) is recognized as being in the current century (12/31/2080) or in the previous century (12/31/1980). Years that are later than the century threshold are considered part of the last century while years that are earlier than the century threshold are considered part of the current century.

The century threshold specified here has environment scope and is used for all retrievals unless the century threshold is specified at the column level.

If no CENTURY_THRESHOLD is specified, then the internal default of 50 is used.

WITH options


The WITH DELETE option will purge an existing Omnidex Environment along with the underlying physical operating system file so that a new Omnidex Environment file can be created.

The WITH DELETE option will only delete files that are valid Omnidex Environment files.




CREATE ENVIRONMENT IN "C:\data\daily_trans.xml";

With DROP ENVIRONMENT to facilitate scripting

DROP ENVIRONMENT IF EXISTS daily_transactions IN "C:\data\daily_trans.xml";
CREATE ENVIRONMENT IN "C:\data\daily_trans.xml";

Or alternatively, use the WITH DELETE option.

CREATE ENVIRONMENT IN "C:\data\daily_trans.xml" WITH DELETE;
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dev/sql/statements/create_environment/home.1277851698.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/28 22:38 (external edit)