Software Installation: Product Editions

Omnidex Product Editions

Omnidex SQL Engine Yes Yes Yes
Omnidex Indexing Yes Yes Yes
High-speed Counts (ActiveCounts) Yes Yes Yes
Text Searches Yes Yes Yes
Fuzzy Searches (PowerSearch) Yes Yes Yes
Support for Relational Databases Yes Yes Yes
Support for Raw Data Files Yes Yes Yes
Omnidex Snapshots Yes Yes Yes
Omnidex Grids Yes Yes Yes
Number of Concurrent Connections Unlimited 5 Unlimited
Number of Concurrent Threads Unlimited 3 Unlimited
Maximum Rows Indexed Per Table Unlimited 1,000,000 Unlimited
Expiration Date None None 30 Days

Omnidex Enterprise Edition

The Omnidex Enterprise Edition is unrestricted in features, database size and concurrent connections. Omnidex Enterprise Edition is appropriate for production applications, as well as large-scale development and testing.

Technical support for Omnidex Enterprise Edition is free for customers who have full support, or is available on a per-incident basis.

Omnidex Developer Edition

Omnidex Developer Edition supports all features of Omnidex, although it is limited in the size of the database and the number of concurrent connections. Omnidex Developer Edition can be downloaded free of charge, and is ideal for general development and testing.

Technical support for Omnidex Developer Edition is free for customers who have full support on another version of Omnidex, or is available on a per-incident basis.

Concurrent Connections

Omnidex monitors all connections to all environment files on each server. With Omnidex Developer Edition, five concurrent connections are allowed to a server, after which a licensing error will be returned. This will occur whether five connections are made to the same environment file, or one connection is made to each of five different environment files. A connection is considered an OdxNet or OdxSQL connection to either a grid controller or a non-grid environment.

Concurrent Threads

Omnidex Grids can have any number of nodes, but Omnidex Developer Edition will only allow three threads at a time when updating indexes, performing queries or processing any other statement.

Maximum Rows per Table

When using Omnidex Developer Edition, tables are limited to their first one million rows. In databases with parent-child tables, it may be preferable to reduce the size of the database rather than relying on the first one million rows since the first one million children may not match up to the first one million parents.

At any time, Omnidex Developer Edition can be upgraded to a fully licensed version of Omnidex by contacting Sales.

Omnidex Trial Edition

The Omnidex Trial Edition is unrestricted in features, database size and concurrent connections, but is limited to 30 days. Omnidex Trial Edition is appropriate for evaluating Omnidex in a large-scale development and testing environment.

Technical support for Omnidex Trial Edition is available by contacting Technical Support.

To download Omnidex, go to the Downloads page.

Additional Resources

See also:

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install/editions.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/10/26 15:23 (external edit)