
What is Omnidex? | Where is Omnidex Used? | How is Omnidex Implemented? | Watch Omnidex in Action

Where is Omnidex used?

Omnidex is used in a wide variety of applications. Essentially, Omnidex is used when you need high performance and increased flexibility. Some of the more common Omnidex applications include:

Businesses usually have a lot of data, but the challenge is to make it useful. Analyzing the data can lead to smart business decisions, but it requires that the analysis be timely and flexible. It is not enough to get a single report. Businesses need to interactively evaluate the data, running “what if” scenarios, probing hunches and testing hypotheses.

A data warehouse must provide fast and accurate answers to be useful. Omnidex's high-speed indexing is designed with business analytics in mind. Highly portable Omnidex Snapshots can put a custom data warehouse right in the hands of the people who need it most.

