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Omnidex Version 3.8


Version 3.08.05

Version 3.08.04

Version 3.08.03

Version 3.08.02

Version 3.08 - Base Release

What's New!

Version 3.8.05

Version 3.8.04

Version 3.8.03

Version 3.8.02

Version 3.8

Omnidex Version 4

Software Changes That May Affect Application Functionality

For Update

Status Array Structure


For Update

Update applications must implicitly specify that they are "FOR UPDATE" in a statement, environment or session, otherwise updates and deletes may be disallowed. This feature changes the way that oaselect behaves in an update environment. The reason behind this feature is to allow for performance improvements in the software.

For a statement, add a FOR UPDATE clause or add UPDATE to the WITH <options> list.
In an environment catalog, add an ACCESS <access option> statement to the Database section. This will apply to all statements processed against this environment.
Set the OA_DATABASE_ACCESS=ASSUMED_UPDATE environment variable to allow existing applications to continue to function normally without making any unnecessary changes.


Status Array Structure

Beginning with 3.7.00, OmniAccess in undergoing an overhaul of the error handling mechanism. As a first step, the OmniAccess status structure has been changed to support more information. The new structure is declared in oa.h, and users using this header file will automatically use the new structure upon a recompile. Users of client tools have no changes to make.

The status structure used to contain 8 named integers, 6 generic integers, and one character buffer. The new status structure contains 10 named integers, 32 generic integers, and 6 types of character buffers.

Customers using Omnidex products that code onsite must be aware of the following:

A single object, oa.obj, will be compiled twice, once with a compile switch (-DOA_30600_STATUS) that activates backward-compatibility mode. Two versions of oa.obj is included with the software. The installation process can then implement either approach, defaulting to the larger status structure. If using the backwardly compatible objects, all OmniAccess routines will expect that they are receiving the old-style status structure.

The second option for backward compatibility is to set an environment variable, OA_30600_STATUS=1. Even if using the software for the new-sized status structure, that process will expect old-style status structures. This allows the customer to install for the larger structure, but implement it on a per-program basis.

Following is the new status structure as defined in oa.h:

typedef struct oastatus



int error;
int warn;
int info;
int count;
int bufflen;
int instance;
int cursor;
int transaction;
int cpu;
int elapsed;
int data[32];
char buffer[256];
char native_error[256];
char location[256];
char context[256];
char msgs[8][256];
char reserved[1024];

} oastatus_t





Dynamic Information Systems Corporation - Omnidex Version 3.8 Build 6 J15.03-Copyright © 2003

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