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SQL Language Reference

Application Programming InterfacesSELECT Statement Syntax


Omnidex provides a high level SQL interface to access data bases enhanced with Omnidex indexes. The SQL supported is a subset of the ANSI SQL2 standard along with some very powerful extensions specific to Omnidex (Query Language).

SQL should be used for all Omnidex application development including ODBC applications and Java applications using the Omnidex JDBC driver. The Query Language extensions work in conjunction with the SQL standard syntax, in all types of applications.

SELECT Statement Syntax


WITH Options



Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

  • Third party ODBC tools such as BrioQuery, Cognos Impromptu, and Microsoft's Query, Access, Excel, and Word communicate with Omnidex via the Omnidex ODBC driver.
  • Development tools such as Microsoft's Interdev, Visual Basic, and Visual C++ can communicate with Omnidex via the OmniAccess API, OmniAccess Objects, or the Omnidex ODBC driver using object layers such as ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).
  • Java applications such as applets, servlets, and standard console applications can communicate with Omnidex via the Omnidex JDBC driver or the OmniAccess Objects Java Native Interface.




Dynamic Information Systems Corporation - Omnidex Version 3.8 Build 6 J15.03-Copyright © 2003

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