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Utility ReferenceEnvironment Variables


dbinstal [database_name | environment_name][< installscript]

DBINSTAL is a server based console utility that is used to install and build the Omnidex indexes. Indexing options are specified during the DBINSTAL Install process, at which time the empty physical index files are created. The indexes are then built with the DBINSTAL Build command.

The actual process of the Index or Build command is to serially read the specified table and unload the appropriate columns of data into a special Omnidex unload file. This file is then read and the physical Omnidex indexes are populated with the internal Omnidex index structure from the unload file. Omnidex has options to generate multiple indexes and uses very high-speed processing techniques to minimize the actual indexing time.

Environment Variables

Indexing Options

System Commands

Program Operation

Check Indexing Status

For the initial index installation and build, DBINSTAL should be run interactively. Manually define the MDK and ASK indexes for each table and then run the Build command to populate the index files. After this is complete, run OAHELPER to generate an installation batch script. This script allows the indexes to be re-installed and re-built in the future by simply executing the script. This installation script can be easily modified using any text editor.

If DBINSTAL prematurely stops on UNIX systems (for example, results in a core dump), particularly on HP-UX systems, then run DBINSTAL again for each indexing operation, or try reducing the memory allocation through DBINSTAL's BUF=n option. This problem is due to an anomaly in some versions of UNIX. A DISC work-around is in progress.

Use the DBINSTAL Build BUF=n option to allocate an appropriate amount of memory for DBINSTAL indexing operations.

Determining the optimal BUF=n size is best done by trial and error on a subset of the database. Monitor the number of sort segments required (displayed by DBINSTAL). The maximum is 2048 segments. Vary the BUF=n size on the database subset, and use the BUF=n value that provides a sort segment size closest to 1024.

Use 8 Mbytes of BUF=n space for each Distributed Index (;DI) processed. If a Build option of @9 is used, then the BUF=n size should be set to 72 (8 * 9).



Dynamic Information Systems Corporation - Omnidex Version 3.8 Build 6 J15.03-Copyright © 2003

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