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Utility ReferenceSyntax


ODXNET (Omnidex Network Server) is the client/server listener program that runs as a socket listening process on a UNIX or Windows server. ODXNET replaces ODXSRVR as of Omnidex version 4.0.

ODXNET offers tremendous performance gains over ODXSRVR by eliminating much of the unnecessary network traffic. Connection speeds are also greatly improved through the use of pooled processes.



Windows Service

Interactive Process

Pooled Processes

Configuration File

By default, ODXNET creates pooled processes for each application type (ODBC, JDBC, OmniAccess) automatically when the listener is started. Each client connection attempts to use a pooled process unless explicitly directed through an option to have a new process created.

Each application type comes with a generic application pool that is used by ODXNET. Environment specific application pools can be setup in the ODXNET configuration file for the listener.

NSADMIN works with ODXNET in the same manner as ODXSRVR.





Setting up ODXNET varies depending on the operating system and intended use.

  • First, create or modify the ODXNET configuration file. This file contains settings that ODXNET will use at run-time.
  • The configuration file is optional but recommended. Most of the required settings have defaults that will be used if the configuration file is omitted. However, some scenarios, such as setting up a Windows NT Service or creating environment specific application pools, require settings that can only be defined in the configuration file.

  • Set the environment variables.
  • Start the listener process.
  • Setup the client. Omnidex client must be installed on each client machine intending to connect to an Omnidex environment.
  • Test the connection.
  • It is always a good idea to test the connection before trying to use a client application with the datasource. The Windows client tool DS EDIT is ideal for this.

  • Run the client application.


Dynamic Information Systems Corporation - Omnidex Version 3.8 Build 6 J15.03-Copyright © 2003

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