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Utility ReferenceODXSRVR Syntax


Omnidex Network Services (ODXSRVR) enables client/server applications to communicate with Omnidex either from the local machine or through a network connection. An ODXSRVR listener process runs on the server, waiting to traffic client requests to OmniAccess.

Omnidex Client communicates with Omnidex on the server via Omnidex Network Services. An ODXSRVR listener must be running on the host, waiting for requests from a client. The client datasource contains the host name and listener port id that the client application will connect to.

ODXSRVR is supported through Omnidex version 3.8. As of Omnidex version 4.0, ODXNET should be used.



Windows Service

Interactive Process

Preconnected Processes

Mapped Memory Transport

Configuration File



Setting up ODXSRVR varies depending on the operating system and intended use. Following is a list of general steps for setting up ODXSRVR.

  • First, create or modify the ODXSRVR configuration file. This file contains settings that ODXSRVR will use at run-time.
  • Use of this configuration file is optional. Most of the required settings have defaults that will be used if the configuration file is omitted. However, some scenarios, such as setting up a Windows NT Service or using preconnected processes and mapped memory transport, require settings that can only be defined in the configuration file.

  • Set the environment variables.
  • Start the listener process.
  • Setup the client. Omnidex client must be installed on each client machine intending to connect to an Omnidex environment.
  • Test the connection.
  • It is always a good idea to test the connection before trying to use a client application with the datasource. The Windows client tool DS EDIT is ideal for this.

  • Run the client application.


Dynamic Information Systems Corporation - Omnidex Version 3.8 Build 6 J15.03-Copyright © 2003

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