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OMNIDEX Indexing

Indexing Options

Allowed Special Characters


Indexing Options

ASK Indexes

MDK Indexes

Composite Indexes

Bitmap Indexes

Excluded Words

Translation Tables

Special Characters


Special Characters

The following characters are stripped if they are leading characters on parsed keywords:

(all non-alphanumeric ASCII chars)

<space> ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - / : ; < = > ? @
[ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

Also . (period) if not followed by digits.


The following characters are stripped if they are trailing characters on parsed keywords

<space> ! " ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~


The following characters are considered keyword delimiters on parsed indexes

<space> ! " ( ) * + , : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~


The following characters carry special parsing rules.

- / .


The following characters are reserved low-level operator characters for Omnidex searches. These operators are not supported in the SQL interface, however, they are usable in oaqualify.

<space> ( ) ; * + , - . : < = > @ and leading $ or &


Due to the way the underlying Omnidex indexing routines treat special characters, OmniAccess must take steps if it determines that these special characters in SELECT... WHERE clauses should be treated as literals, or should be removed from the criteria.


Allowed Special Characters

The following special characters are allowed in the name arguments of the Environment, Database, Table, Column, and Index sections of the Omnidex Environment file.

? - Question mark

! - Exclamation point

@ - At sign

# - Pound sign

$ - Dollar sign

% - Percent sign

^ - Carat

_ - Underscore

