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Command Line Directives



Generate an Environment Source File from a Database

Generate an Installation Script File from an Existing Installation

Generate an Environment Source File from an Existing Installation

Generate a Migration Script

Generate a Migration Script from an Existing Installation

OAHELPER can generate a migration script to assist in migrating a database from one platform to another. This function will generate a ddl to create the new database (if not flat files), an export and import scripts to extract the data from the orginal database and import into the new database, the environment source for the new database and a checklist detailing exactly what to do with all of these files.

OAHELPER has two modes of operation: system prompts and command line directives. The required information is the same for both but the method in which it runs is different, as shown below.



Run OAHELPER at the system prompt:


OAHELPER displays the following menu:

1. Generate Environment Source file from a database.
2. Generate DBINSTAL Indexing/Build script from existing installation.
3. Generate Environment Source file from existing installation.
4. Generate Migration scripts from existing installation.

E to Exit oahelper.

Enter menu number, ? for help, or 'E' to Exit:

Select 4. Generate Migration scripts from existing installation.

OAHELPER prompts for the name of the environment to migrate. Enter the filename (and path, if you are not in the same directory) of the environment catalog:

Environment: ordersec

OAHELPER prompts for the tables that will be migrated. Enter * to migrate all tables.

Table list (table, database.table, or *:

OAHELPER prompts for the type of database to migrate to. Select the new database type and hit enter.

Target database type:

1. Flatfile
2. Oracle
3. Informix
4. DB2
5. SQLServer

Enter choice or ? for help:

OAHELPER prompts for the operating system the new database will reside on. Select the appropriate operating system from the list and hit enter.

Target operating system:

1. Windows
2. HP-UX
3. SunOS
4. AIX
5. TRU64 Unix
6. Linux

Enter choice or ? for help:

OAHELPER asks if you would like to add redefined rowids to the migrated tables.

Add REDEF_ROWID columns? (N)o, (Y)es:

OAHELPER prompts for the index prefix to use in the new environment.

Index prefix [idx/STAR]:

OAHELPER prompts for the local directory in which to place the migration scripts.

Migration directory [D:\testing\star]:

OAHELPER prompts for the directory in which the new environment will be located.

Directory on target host:

OAHELPER tells you when it has generated the install batch file. You can use it as you would any batch file or script on your operating system to reinstall OMNIDEX indexes.


The migration scripts and checklist have been successfully created, and are
located in D:\testing\star. Please follow the instructions in chklist.txt to
proceed with the migration.



Command Line Directives

Command line directives are designed to allow OAHELPER to be run without prompts, through an executable batch file. The following three directives are required.


Existing environment file.

Table list. * for all tables.

Target database type. Valid types are:
FFL - Flat files
- Oracle
INF - Informix
DB2 - DB2
SSV - SQL Server

Target operating system. Valid os values are:
WIN - Windows
- HP Unix
SUN - Sun Solaris
OSF - Compaq Tru64, OSF
LNX - Linux

Add REDEF_ROWID columns

Index prefix

Migration directory on local host.

Migration directory on target host.



This sample demonstrates using OAHELPER to generate a migration script to move the ORDERS sample database to SQL Server, using command line directives.

oahelper -migrate -mig_env=orders -mig_dbtablelist=* -mig_target_dbtype=SSV -mig_target_os=WIN -mig_indexprefix=idx/ordssv_ -mig_migratedir=d:\testing -mig_targetdir=c:\omnidex\demo

-migrate tells OAHELPER that this operation will generate a migration script.

-mig_env=orders is the existing Omnidex environment catalog filespec. This environment catalog is in the current working directory. The .env file extension is assumed.

-mig_dbtablelist=* instructs OAHELPER to migrate all tables.

-mig_target_dbtype=SSV tells OAHELPER that the new database will be SQL Server.

-mig_target_os=WIN tells OAHELPER that the SQL Server database is on a Windows machine.

-mig_indexprefix=idx/ordssv_ tells OAHELPER that the indexes will be stored in the idx subdirectory of the directory in which the environment catalog will be located, and that the index files will be prefixed with ordssv_.

-mig_migratedir=d:\testing instructs OAHELPER to place all of the migration scripts in the testing directory on the d drive.

-mig_targetdir=c:\omnidex\demo tells OAHELPER that the environment catalog will be located in the c:\omnidex\demo directory.

