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Oracle Numeric Data types



Generate an Environment Source File

Generate an Installation Script File

Generate an Environment Source File from an Existing Installation

Generate a Migration Script


OAHELPER is used to generate an initial prototype of an Omnidex Environment Catalog Source file against a target database. A text editor is then used to manually manipulate the generated source code to add desired characteristics.

OAHELPER works against any supported database that contains an internal schema such as Oracle, Informix or an ODBC accessible data base.

OAHELPER does not work against file structures such as POSIX flat files that do not support an internal data schema.

Use a text editor to manually create a source file when OAHELPER is not an option.

OAHELPER can be operated in one of two modes: prompt driven or through command line directives. Specific prompts and directives are discussed in each section and general command line syntax is shown below..


Oracle Numeric Data types

NUMBER is a proprietary data type invented and used by Oracle to store all numeric data types. It encompasses numbers of all sizes and precisions. Oracle will never return data in this data type, and they don’t publish its format. When using Oracle (even in non-OA Oracle apps that only use Oracle API), a valid numeric data type, INTEGER, FLOAT, etc..., must be specified. Knowledge of the data is required to pick the correct type.

OAHELPER will always use a FLOAT 8 (DOUBLE) because that data type is capable of handling the largest precision and largest numbers. It is recommended, though, that someone with knowledge of the data edit the environment file and alter those values to FLOAT 4, INTEGER, SMALLINT or TINYINT in order to preserve space and improve OA performance.



oahelper [options]

-help | ?
Get OAHELPER help.

Get the OAHELPER version number.

Prevents OAHELPER from printing the banner.

Environment Source From Database


Database type. Valid types are:
ORA - Oracle
INF - Informix
DB2 - DB2
SSV - SQL Server

Database logical name

Table list. * for all tables

Environment logical name

Oracle SQL*Net service name

ODBC data source type. Valid entries are:
S - System
U - User
F - File

ODBC data source name if ODBC data source type is System or User.
Fully qualified file name of the ODBC file data source, if ODBC data source type if File.

Database physical name

Index prefix

Database user name

Database password

Database version

Output file name

DBINSTAL Script From Existing Installation


Existing environment file.

Output file name

Environment Source From Existing Installation


Existing environment file.

Output file name

Migration Script From Existing Installation


Existing environment file.

Table list. * for all tables

Target database type. Valid types are:
FFL - Flat files
- Oracle
INF - Informix
DB2 - DB2
SSV - SQL Server

Target operating system. Valid os values are:
WIN - Windows
- HP Unix
SUN - Sun Solaris
OSF - Compaq Tru64, OSF
LNX - Linux

Add REDEF_ROWID columns

Index prefix

Migration directory on local host.

Migration directory on target host.




