
Getting Started






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Getting Started

Nine Steps to a Successful Omnidex Installation





Installation & Setup

Account Verification

Index Design

Environment Catalog

Index Installation

Index Maintenance

Installation Testing

Application Development



Application DevelopmentIndex MaintenanceStep 7 - Test the Installation

This section describes various methods for testing an index installation and query performance. Omnidex provides several utilities specifically for this purpose, which are discussed in detail.

Once the Omnidex indexes have been specified and populated, it is generally appropriate to test the performance of the indexes against the data base. The easiest and fastest way to perform these tests is to use DISC supplied utilities.

DISC highly recommends that an Omnidex installation be tested for proper index specification and to determine overall performance with the DISC supplied utilities before any development effort is initiated.



The ODXSQL program is a character-oriented, server-based utility that accepts and processes SQL statements interactively, then displays the results to the screen. It is the standard method for checking retrieval speed and results, exporting data and "explaining" the actual optimization performed on a particular query. ODXSQL can be used by anyone with an understanding of the SQL language.



The Microsoft Windows based Client/Server utility, DSEDIT, is used to create and maintain Omnidex Network Services data source objects that are used to define network and database information for Client/Server connections. DSEDIT can also be used to perform light-weight retrievals against Omnidex MDK indexes. Its usage is purely limited to quick retrieval testing to ensure that the network and database connection circuit is operational.



The Microsoft Windows based Client/Server utility, ODXQUERY, is another generalized SQL statement processor that works similar to ODXSQL. However, ODXQUERY does not include the utility functions of ODXSQL and is instead limited to doing Omnidex Client/Server SQL testing and performance review.

