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Exporting Data

Both the OAAPI routine oaexport and the SQL command EXPORT, retrieve data from rows and writes them to a specified file. These commands can also transfer row identifiers (row IDs, unique key values, and so on) to a file.

The file created to hold the transferred rows has a fixed row length equal to the collective length, in bytes, of the columns established by oaselect or a SELECT statement.

oaexport retrieves rows selected in the most recent oaselect for the cursor, or row identifiers of rows qualified in the most recent oaqualify for the cursor, and transfers them to the file named in the filename parameter.

EXPORT can retrieve rows qualified in the most recent QUALIFY using the 'ODXID' WITH option:

qualify customers where state in ('co','ca')
qualify customers where city in ('and boulder','denver','los angeles')
export to myfile with 'ODXID'

The EXPORT command can also replace the SELECT command.

export * from customers where state='co' to myfile

Entire rows are transferred as specified by the preceding oaselect. That is, the rows transferred are determined by the criteria passed in the most recent oaselect. The columns transferred for each row are determined by the columns passed in the most recent oaselect.

When the DATA option is used, an oaselect call must precede an oaexport, but not immediately. You can call oaexport after an oafetch to transfer rows or OMNIDEX IDs. You can also call oaexport several times in succession to transfer data from the same set of rows to several different files, as long as there was a preceding call to oaselect.

If any of the ODXID, ODXSI or ROWID options are used, an oaqualify must precede an oaexport, but not immediately. As long as the qualified subset of rows still exists, you can call oaexport to transfer row identifiers to a specified file.


The Transfer File

oaexport and EXPORT automatically create a file to hold the transferred rows or OMNIDEX IDs, and assigns it the name passed through the filename parameter. Therefore, you should not specify an existing file through filename. Instead, let the routines create the file with the correct size and row length.

You can use the FILELIMIT=n option, where n represents the number of rows written to the file, to increase this if you need to transfer more than a million rows. If the file limit is less than the number of rows qualified or selected, Omnidex transfers as many rows as it can before issuing an error.

When you use the ODXID option, the transfer file contains only internal OMNIDEX IDs. Each qualified OMNIDEX ID occupies one line of the transfer file. You can use transfer files created using the ODXID option as keyword arguments in oaqualify and QUALIFY.


The BUFFSIZE=n Option

oaexport and EXPORT use a buffer to transfer rows to the specified file. The default size of this buffer, 8192 bytes, is sufficient to transfer rows efficiently for most selections. However, if each qualified row, based on the combined lengths of the selected columns, is longer than 1000 bytes, and there is adequate memory, you should increase the BUFFSIZE to ten times the combined length of the columns selected, up to 65536 bytes.

Conversely, if the rows you are transferring are relatively short, and you want to conserve memory, you could specify a BUFFSIZE that is shorter than the default.

Do not specify a BUFFSIZE that is less than the combined length of the selected columns.

