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Column Statement

Database Statement

Environment Statement

Index Statement

Message Statement

Rule Statement

Table Statement

Environment Catalog

Database Statement

[DATABASE database_name
TYPE database_type_spec
[SUBTYPE database_subtype_spec]
[VERSION "version"]
[PHYSICAL "filespec"]
[OPTIONS "options"]
[INDEXPREFIX "filespec"]
[USERCLASS "DEFAULT" [USER "user"] [PASSWORD "password"]
table_definitions for this database
index_specs for this database


DATABASE database_name


Required. database_name represents a non-ambiguous database.

database_name MUST BEGIN WITH A LETTER, A-Z (case insensitive) and may contain up to 32 characters including letters, numbers and allowed special characters.

If database_name contains any reserved words or allowed special characters, it must be enclosed in single or double quotes.


TYPE database_type_spec

Required string that declares the type of the underlying database. It can be any one of these values:

  • ODBC
  • DB2


SUBTYPE database_subtype_spec

Optional. Specifies the subtype of the database. If database type (above) is ODBC, indicate here what the actual underlying database type is. This will allow Omnidex to provide some additional functionality not available in strictly ODBC applications, depending on the database type. It can be any one of these values:

  • DB2


VERSION "version"

Required in ORACLE and optional in other databases. This is a quoted string of up to 255 characters that declares the version of the DBMS. It is used primarily with relational databases.


PHYSICAL "string"

Optional. Physical declares the name and location of the database's root file or system dictionary and is used primarily with relational databases and ODBC.

string is a quoted string that may vary according to database type. See the appropriate database type for details on the PHYSICAL clause.


OPTIONS "options"



INDEXPREFIX "filespec"

Optional. The Indexprefix declares the root name and location of the Omnidex index files. filespec is a quoted string up to 251 characters in length and may contain any valid filename as well as appropriate path information and password information.

DBINSTAL appends 4 characters (0001, 0002, ...) to the end of each index file name, therefore the filespec is limited to 251 characters.

Indexprefix is not used with TurboIMAGE databases, as the database name determines the index prefix and the group and account in the physicals indicates the index location.


USERCLASS "DEFAULT" [USER "username"] [PASSWORD "password"]

A Required clause for ORACLE and TurboIMAGE (if the TurboIMAGE database is password secured) and optional for INFORMIX. It declares either or both the name and password of a valid database. All connections to the database will connect with this option. username and password can be filespecs where the contents of the file contain the username and password.



Automatically constructs pseudocolumns from MDK composite keys.





Optional. Default is API. Specify how Omnidex indexes will be updated.

API - The indexes will be updated by Omnidex automatically as the database data is updated.

DBMS - The indexes will be updated by some other means, ODXAIM for example, in a separated process.

This setting applies to the entire index installation on this database. It can be over-ridden on a table-by-table basis by explicitly defining the indexmaintenance setting on an individual table.

