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Omnidex Text


Environment File


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Omnidex Text


Configuring Omnidex Text

Configuring Omnidex Text differs depending on the desired functionality. Some features can be automatically enabled, for instance, causing all searches against a specific column to use that particular feature without any modification to the SQL statement.

See the individual topics for specific details on enabling each search capability. Following is some general setup information that is applicable to most topics.


Omnidex Global Environment

The configuration of Omnidex Text relies on a set of tables that are described in the Omnidex Global Environment file (OAGLOBAL). This environment is part of the Omnidex product and contains key pieces of information, such as configuration settings and error messages. Each table is organized into a set of lists, each of which is comprised of all rows that share the same list name. These lists are then referenced throughout Omnidex.

The database within the Omnidex Global Environment uses Tab-Delimited Files located in the "[Omnidex_home]/config/english" directory. From this directory, there are a series of subdirectories with names equating to their respective table. Each table includes all Tab-Delimited files pertaining to that particular feature, making it easy to add or remove data from the table by simply adding or removing a file in the directory.

Tab-Delimited files can be easily maintained using many applications such as Microsoft Excel as well as a text editor or word processor. These tools can be used as long as the column layout is maintained and the proper delimiters are used. Columns must be separated using a tab character and rows must be separated by a linefeed.

Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP require a carriage-return and linefeed as row delimiters. This will be done automatically in most Windows tools.


Environment File

All Omnidex text search capabilities can be used without any special definitions in the Omnidex environment file. However, defining these features in the environment file can enable the features for an application without any special adjustments to the application itself.

For example, the following column definition will cause all searches against the FIRST_NAME column to use the managed synonym list ALL_GIVEN_NAMES, without changing the application's SQL to implicitly ask for synonyms.


The Omnidex Environment file supports several optional clauses to the COLUMN statement which specify options to use automatically on all queries involving that column.

COLUMN column_name
[SYNONYMS 'options']
[SPELLCHECK 'options']
[MISSPELLINGS 'options']
[FORMS 'options']
[STOPWORDS 'options']
[PHONETIC 'options']
[INCLUDED_TAGS 'options']
[EXCLUDED_TAGS 'options']


To make SYNONYMS, SPELLCHECK, MISSPELLINGS, FORMS, STOPWORDS or PHONETIC searches available at all times, include the AUTOENABLE option with each setting. This will cause every qualification against that column to include that feature.


