
Getting Started






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1. Analysis

2. Partition the Table

3. Environment File Entry

4. Indexing


Step 3 - Environment File Entry

Defining a partitioned table in an environment file must be done correctly in order for Omnidex to understand the partitioning scheme. This will enable Omnidex to search only those partitions relevant to the query, ignoring the other partitions.

ODXSQL can automatically generate the environment file entries for a partitioned table, if the PARTITION command is used to partition the table. The WITH options, ENVIRONMENTFILE=filename and ENVIRONMENTSNIPPET=filename, will generate an environment source file for the entire database including the partitioned table or a "snippet" for just the partitioned table, in the specified output file.

The new environment file can be modified for use in place of the existing environment file. The environment snippet can be cut and pasted into the existing environment source file. In both cases, the environment file must be recompiled, indexes reinstalled for the existing tables, and indexes installed and built for the partitioned table.

Note: If the order of the tables defined in the environment file changed, the indexes will have to be rebuilt for the entire database. If the table order did not change, meaning the partitioned table was added to the end of the database definition, the indexes must be built only for the partitioned table.




The environment file entry consists of a table definition that UNIONs all of the partitions together, and a separate table definition for each partition.

The UNION table definition:

  • is named the same as the original unpartitioned table. This name will be used in SQL statements.
  • references all of the partitions in a UNION ALL statement.
  • has the detailed column definitions. All of the partitions will use these same column definitions, either by referencing them with the "columns from table" clause or by physically copying the column definitions into each partition definition.
  • will NOT be indexed. The indexes are installed on the partitions only.

There will be a separate partition table definition for each partition.

Each partition table definition:

  • will have a physical clause that points to the physical partition file.
  • will have partitioned by clause containing the partition qualifier for that partition.
  • will have foreign key declarations referencing parent table keys
  • will have either a columns from clause referencing the UNION table or a duplicate copy of the column definitions from the UNION table.

