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Windows Service






Pooled Processes

Preconnected Processes

Configuration File


On a Windows machine, ODXNET can be set up as a Windows service or run manually (interactively) as needed. Both have advantages and disadvantages that should be weighed carefully.


Manually Started Listener (All Platforms)

  • Each listener can be configured differently.
  • Can create scripts to set environment variables and run the listener.
  • Configuration file is optional depending on the desired settings.
  • Listener must be manually stopped and restarted.
  • Environment variables can be set at the system level, or at the command prompt prior to starting the listener.


Windows NT/2000/XP Service

  • The service can be maintained using the Windows Service Manager. This includes starting, stopping and pausing the service.
  • The service can be configured to automatically restart every time the system is rebooted.
  • A listener process can always be ready for client requests.
  • Multiple listeners can be installed as services using the -ntservicename directive on installation.
  • Configuration file is required.
  • Environment variables must be set at the system level.



Interactive Listener Process

Start the Listener | Stop the Listener

An ODXNET listener is capable of running interactively from a DOS prompt, continually displaying information about the child processes that connect to the listener. The listener will continue to run until a shutdown command is issued.

When running an ODXNET listener interactively, the configuration file is optional. If no configuration file is used, an ODXNET listener process will be started using default settings, unless specific settings are defined with command line directives. See Syntax for a complete list of valid directives.


Start the Listener

To start an interactive ODXNET listener, enter odxnet at a DOS prompt followed by valid directives, if desired. The following example will start a listener on port number 1232, using defaults for all other settings and starting the default pooled processes for all application types.

> odxnet -port=1232

The next example will start a listener using settings defined in the specified configuration file.

> odxnet c:\omnidex\bin\odxs1232.cfg


Stop the Listener

An interactive ODXNET listener can be stopped in three ways.

  • Issue a Ctrl-C command in the DOS window with the running ODXNET listener.
  • Issue a shutdown command from a separate DOS window.
    > odxnet -port=1232 -shutdown
  • Through the NSADMIN utility. This option requires a password which can only be defined in the ODXNET configuration file.


Windows Service

Installation | Maintenance

The ODXNET service uses settings defined in the ODXNET configuration file to run the service. Adjust any settings in the configuration file as needed.



Install ODXNET as a service by running ODXNET from the command line using the -ntsrvaction argument with one of the "INSTALL" options.

odxnet c:\omnidex\bin\odxs1232.cfg -ntsrvaction=INSTALL

You must pass the fully qualified path and file names of both the ODXNET executable and configuration file when installing ODXNET as a service.

Use the Windows Service Manager to maintain (start, stop, pause, continue) the service. Use the "DELETE" command line option to remove the ODXNET service.

The following commands can be passed with the -ntsrvaction directive to install ODXNET as a Windows service:

The service is installed but must be started manually.

odxnet -ntsrvaction=INSTALL c:\omnidex\bin\odxs1232.cfg

The service is installed but not started, and will start automatically each time the system reboots.

odxnet -ntsrvaction=INSTALL_AUTO c:\omnidex\bin\odxs1232.cfg

Pass a unique service same when installing ODXNET to allow multiple services to be installed.

odxnet -ntsrvaction=INSTALL_AUTO c:\omnidex\bin\odxs1232.cfg -ntservice=ODXNET_7555



Maintenance Options

DISC recommends that you use the Windows Service Manager to maintain the installed service. However, the following options are provided to allow maintenance from the command line.

This action deletes the previously installed service and removes it from the system registry.

odxnet -ntsrvaction=DELETE

This action starts the previously installed and not currently running service.

odxnet -ntsrvaction=START

This action stops the currently running service.

odxnet -ntsrvaction=STOP

This action pauses the currently running service.

odxnet -ntsrvaction=PAUSE

This action restarts the currently paused service.

odxnet -ntsrvaction=CONTINUE

