
Getting Started






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Start the Listener

Stop the Listener

Child Processes

Get Help

Get Version Information






Pooled Processes

Preconnected Processes

Configuration File


ODXNET runs as a socket listening process to enable client/server connections to Omnidex.

Following is a list of valid directives:

odxnet [<cnfgfile>]
[-sleep]**Unix only**
[-nodaemon | -daemon]**Unix only**
[-nontservice]**Windows only**
odxnet [-shutdown]
odxnet [-admin=[GENERAL | SONLIST | ALL]]
odxnet -help | -?
odxnet -version

**Windows only**
odxnet [<cnfgfile>]
[-ntservice=<unique service name>]


Start the Listener

The following directives are provided to start ODXNET from the command line.

odxnet [<cnfgfile>]
[-sleep]**Unix only**
[-nodaemon | -daemon]**Unix only**
[-nontservice]**Windows only**



Configuration file specification. See Configuration File for details on the settings contained in this file.

odxnet /usr/omnidex/demo/odxnet_7444.cfg

A configuration file should always be used if possible as it contains settings that cannot be defined from the command line, like the NSADMIN password. In this case, an ODXNET listener started without a configuration file, cannot be accessed from NSADMIN.

Some of the options defined in the configuration file can be over-ridden by passing the same option with a different value. For example, assume preconnected processes are defined in the configuration file, odxnet_7444.cfg. The following will cause the listener to be started without starting any preconnected processes.

odxnet /usr/omnidex/demo/odxnet_7444.cfg -nopools



This option sets or specifies the listener port-id number for the ODXNET process. This option is required if a configuration file is not being used. This is the number is specified in the client data source file.

odxnet -port=1232



Maximum number of son processes to allow for this listener.

odxnet -port=1232 -maxsons=120



Buffer size to use for send/receive and compression exercises.

odxnet -port=1232 -bufsize=512



Starts ODXNET without starting any default or configured pooled processes.

odxnet -port=1232 -nopools



Skip dsn lookup for incoming client to translate its IP address to a network name.

odxnet -port=1232 -nohostaddresslookup



Skip displaying information to the console when ODXNET is running.

odxnet -port=1232 -NoPrintfs



The server side connection is closed after client connection has been idle numminutes.

odxnet -port=1232 -idletimeout=20



This is a Unix only directive.

odxnet -port=1232 -sleep


-nodaemon | -daemon

This is a Unix only directive.

-nodaemon causes odxnet to run interactively in foreground of the Unix session in which it was started. -daemon is the default.

odxnet -port=1232 -nodaemon



This is a Windows only option.

This option allows a listener to be run interactively when odxnet has already been installed as a service. See also: Windows Service.

odxnet -port=1232 -nontservice


Stop the Listener

The following directives have been provided to shutdown a running ODXNET process. These directives do not apply to an ODXNET process that is running as a Windows Service.

odxnet [-shutdown]

The listener port id must be passed with the -shutdown directive. This can be passed with the -port=n option, where n is the listener port id, or in the configuration file.



Use this option to halt a running ODXNET process.

odxnet -port=1232 -shutdown

If the process is running interactively, you can terminate the listener from a separate server session with the -shutdown command. Or, within the same server session, CTRL + c will also terminate the listener process.



Stops accepting new client requests and shuts down the listener after n seconds, to allow active queries to complete.

odxnet -port=1232 -shutdown -delay=90



The listener port id number to shutdown. If omitted, the configuration filespec containing the listener port id, must be passed.

odxnet -port=1232 -shutdown



The configuration file containing the listener port id number that will be shut down. If omitted, the -port=n option must be passed.

odxnet /usr/omnidex/demo/odxnet_7444.cfg -shutdown



Display Child Process Information

The following directive has been provided to display information about child processes connected to the current listener.

odxnet [-admin=[GENERAL | SONLIST | ALL]]



This option displays information about all the child processes currently connected to the specified, running listener. This option is used after the listener has been started.

GENERAL - displays statistics concerning the number of clients connected.

SONLIST - displays a list of the child processes running through the listener.

ALL - displays both the GENERAL and SONLIST information.

odxnet -port=1232 -admin=ALL



The ODXNET configuration file containing the listener port ID. If omitted, the -port=n option must be passed, where n is the listener port ID.

odxnet /usr/omnidex/demo/odxnet_7444.cfg -admin=ALL



The listener port ID. If omitted, the ODXNET configuration file containing the listener port ID must be passed.

odxnet -port=7444 -admin=GENERAL


Getting Help

-help | -?

This option displays helpful information about running odxnet.

odxnet -help
odxnet -?


Getting Version Information


This option displays the following version information:

  • Network Server
  • OmniAccess
  • IndexAccess
  • Software Build
  • Software Package ID
  • Compilation Timestamp

odxnet -version
