Get Started with Omnidex We would love to talk to you and help you get started with Omnidex! We’ll help you select the right version of Omnidex for your business. Please tell us how we can get in touch with you.Name* First Last Email* Company*Phone*TitleTell us about your current database technology.Operating System Windows Linux Database MySQL Oracle SQL Server Generic ODBC Raw Data Files Delimited Files Other Database SizeLess than 1 million rows in largest table1 million – 10 million rows in largest table10 million – 100 million rows in largest table100 million – 1 billion rows in largest table1 billion – 10+ billion rows in largest tableWhich Omnidex features are important to you?Desired Features Overall query performance Text indexing Geographic searches (radius search) PowerSearch (fuzzy search) ActiveCounts (drill down) High-speed aggregations (data warehousing) Comments