Version 5.2 includes the following enhancements:
Multi-Index Aggregations
Omnidex now optimizes most queries that request counts, grouped counts and distinct counts using multiple, concurrent Omnidex indexes. Previous versions of Omnidex required administrators to contruct multi-column indexes to satisfy these queries, and now most queries are optimized using individual indexes on each column.
Enhanced PowerSearch and AutoComplete
Omnidex has made the PowerSearch feature much easier to implement by allowing simpler configuration and activation. Omnidex also adds an AutoComplete feature allows the application designer to display real-time choices based on the characters typed so far, similar to auto-complete features found in Internet search engines.
Attaching Database Objects
Omnidex now supports attaching tables or databases from one Omnidex environment into another environment. This allows queries to easily span the data and indexes from multiple environments.
Omnidex Segments
Omnidex now supports SQL syntax for creating, referencing and dropping query segments. Omnidex uses internal index files to represent query segments, dramatically improving the typical approach of temporary tables used by relational databases. Segments can also be used to easily reference criteria found in external files.