Administration: Omnidex Features

Omnidex Segments

Overview | Creating Segments | Querying Segments | Attaching Segments | Dropping Segments | Archiving Segments

Attaching Segments

Omnidex Segments can be attached so that they are given a local object name. An object name is not required since the SEGMENT function can reference a filename directly; however, it can be helpful for applications that generate the SELECT statement in one module and prepare the data for the SELECT statement in a different module. Attaching segments allows the SELECT statement to reference well-known object names without regard for filenames.

Omnidex Segments are attached using the ATTACH SEGMENT statement, as shown in the example below:

> ; Attach an existing segment containing the Do Not Call list
> attach data segment DO_NOT_CALL
>>  physical          "do_not_call.dat";
Segment DO_NOT_CALL attached

Omnidex Segments can be detached using the DETACH SEGMENT statement, as shown in the example below:

> detach segment DO_NOT_CALL;
Segment DO_NOT_CALL detached

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