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Administration: Omnidex Indexing


The Optimization Behind PowerSearch

Generally there is no additional optimization needed for PowerSearch. PowerSearch generally consists of increasing the number of search terms used in a query. For example, a query that would search for a given name of 'William' who be expanded to include “William, Bill, Billy, Will, Williams, Willie, Willis, Wilson”. Presuming that Omnidex indexing has already been established to optimize the original search, it will also optimize the expanded search.


Applications that wish to use the MISSPELLINGS feature (which also encompasses transposition and typographical errors) will need to perform an UPDATE TEXT statement on their database after indexing. This command will evaluate the data in the database and create custom dictionaries used to identify the misspelled entries in the database.


Applications that wish to use the PHONETIC feature must create an Omnidex index that uses the PHONETIC option. This option indexes the phonetic equivalent of a word as well as the word itself. Consult the documentation on this option for more details.

Enabling Geographic Radius Searches

Applications that wish to use Geographic Radius Searches, such as those shown with the zip code in the previous page, will need to have a table of zip codes that includes the latitude and longitude for each zip code. These are available from a number of sources, including inexpensive downloads on the Internet. Remember that zip codes change on a regular basis, so accuracy depends on keeping this table updated on a regular database.

Once the table is established, it must be indexed for geographic radius searches. Consult the documentation about these searches for more details.

Additional Resources

See also:

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admin/indexing/powersearch/optimization.1300218696.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/28 22:38 (external edit)