Overview | Example | SQL | Optimization | Tips
Most of us have grown accustomed to AutoComplete in web applications. In many websites, when you start to type something, the web page will automatically present a drop-down box with choices matching the characters you've entered so far. Some sites even present you with the most likely choice first. Internet search engines, like Google and Bing, are examples of sites that do this.
This capability belongs in databases too. Omnidex's AutoComplete feature provides this option. AutoComplete uses the Omnidex indexing to suggest possible choices. These choices can be ordered based on their counts as well, which places the most common values highest in the list.
AutoComplete works hand-in-hand with ActiveCounts. ActiveCounts is best for low-cardinality data, such as geographic codes or demographic codes. ActiveCounts is more challenging with high-cardinality data, such as telephone numbers and email addresses. These columns are ideal for AutoComplete, and the combination of ActiveCounts and AutoComplete provides a comprehensive experience for the user. No matter which column they are referencing, the database is helping them see their choices.
AutoComplete also works hand-in-hand with PowerSearch. AutoComplete can help a user choose a value in the database, and PowerSearch will then expand the search to include synonyms, spelling variations, and so forth. AutoComplete allows the user to find what they are looking for without having to know the data in advance.
Take a look at an example of AutoComplete. As you continue this section, you will learn how to add AutoComplete into your application.
See also: