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Omnidex SQL Function: EXTRACT


The EXTRACT function extracts one or more portions of a date, such as a day, month or year. This is useful for performing logic on portions of a date, such as performing certain actions in certain months. This is also useful for assembling a date string in a specific format.

This function returns a different datatype based on the requested field value.


EXTRACT(date_tokens FROM date_column)

Required. One or more tokens representing the portions of date to be extracted, as determined by one or more of the strings shown in the table below.

Date Token Return Datatype Description
YEAR INTEGER Returns Year in CCYY format.
MONTH INTEGER Returns numeric Month from 1 to 12.
DAY INTEGER Returns numeric Day of the Month.
HOUR INTEGER Returns numeric Hour.
MINUTE INTEGER Returns numeric Minute.
SECOND INTEGER Returns numeric Second.
A STRING(2) Returns Lowercase am/pm indicator.
AA STRING(2) Uppercase AM/PM indicator.
D INTEGER Returns numeric Day of the Month (1 to 31).
0D STRING(2) Zero-filled day-of-month (01, 02, 03)
DD INTEGER Day of year in one, two or three digit format.
0DD STRING(3) Zero-filled day of year (044)
F INTEGER Non-zero-filled fraction of a second (1, 2)
0F STRING(2) Zero-filled fraction of a second (01, 02)
H INTEGER 12-hour, non-zero-filled hour of day (12, 1)
0H STRING(2) 12-hour, zero-filled hour of day (12, 01)
HH INTEGER 24-hour, non-zero-filled hour of day (24, 1)
0HH C STRINg(2) 24-hour, zero-filled hour of day (24, 01)
J DOUBLE Non-zero-filled Julian date (1, 2)
0J STRING(11) Zero-filled Julian date (01, 02)
M INTEGER Non-zero-filled month number (1-January, 2-February)
0M STRING(2) Zero-filled day-of-month number (01-January, 02-February)
MM STRING(3) Three-character month abbreviation (Jan, Feb)
MMM STRING(varies) Fully spelled month (January, February)
N INTEGER Non-zero-filled minute of hour (1, 2)
0N STRING(2) Zero-filled minute of hour (01, 02)
Q INTEGER Quarter of the year (1)
QQ STRING(2) Quarter of the year abbreviation (Q1)
QQQ STRING(varies) Quarter of the year name (First Quarter)
S INTEGER Non-zero-filled second of minute (1, 2)
0S STRING(2) Zero-filled second of minute (01, 02)
W INTEGER Day of the week number (1-Sunday, 2-Monday)
WW STRING(3) Three-character day-of-week abbreviation (Sun, Mon)
WWW STRING(varies) Fully spelled day-of-week (Sunday, Monday)
YY STRING(2) Two-digit year (99, 00)
YYYY INTEGER Four-digit year (1999, 2000)

Required. A column that is declared as a date_class datatype. The date_class datatypes are any of the date or time oriented datatypes found in the list of Omnidex datatypes.


Example 1: EXTRACT of MONTH

> select birthdate, extract(month from birthdate) mon from individuals;

------------  -----------
  1938-07-14            7
  1957-11-22           11
  1960-07-28            7
  1929-08-22            8
  1933-07-09            7
  1944-08-01            8
  2004-09-14            9

Example 2: $RANDOM with a seed

> select $random(12345) rnd from $omnidex;


Additional Resources

See also:



select status,
extract(mmm FROM orders.order_date)
from orders 
where product_no='PRN4356'

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dev/sql/functions/extract.1280244456.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2016/06/28 22:38 (external edit)