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Omnidex SQL: PARTITION table


Partitions a table into multiple sub partitions which can be useful when setting up an Omnidex grid.


PARTITION table_spec 
         [INTO n] 
         [BY <column_spec | expression>] 
         [IN path]
         [ON [INSTANCE] instance] 
         [WITH options]


The partition statement is used with criteria to split a table into multiple components.

The SQL CASE syntax can be used to specify the suffix used when the PARTITION statement creates the component files.

> partition companies by 
    "case when state in ('CA','CO','TX') then '01' 
          when state in ('NY','FL','WA') then '02' 
          else '03' end" ;
Partitioned 31,548 rows from COMPANIES into 3 partitions
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dev/sql/statements/partition/home.1278055799.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2016/06/28 22:38 (external edit)