Integration: Relational Databases



The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to declare an Oracle database within an Omnidex Environment File. This statement can either be issued directly, or it can be extracted from Oracle using the EXTRACT statement as discussed in the previous section.

The CREATE DATABASE statement must include the database name, the Oracle version, and the Oracle user and password.

create database                "SIMPLE"
 type                          oracle
 version                       "11"
 user                          "simple"
 password                      "simple"
 index_directory               "idx"
 in                            "simple.xml";

Using SQL*Net

Omnidex is frequently installed on a separate server than the Oracle database. In fact, this is preferable since it allows both Omnidex and Oracle to operate at their best without competing for resources. This means that Omnidex often accesses the Oracle database through SQL*Net. When using SQL*Net, simply state the name of the SQL*Net service in the SERVICE clause.

create database                "SIMPLE"
 type                          oracle
 version                       "11"
 user                          "simple"
 password                      "simple"
 service                       "simple"
 index_directory               "idx"
 in                            "simple.xml";

Oracle Security

Omnidex provides two methods of supporting Oracle security.

  • Administrators can register a user and password in the Omnidex Environment File. This user and password will always be used to access the Oracle database, and no users and passwords will be needed from the application.
  • The application can pass a user and password in the Omnidex Connection String. This user and password is then passed directly to Oracle to access the database.

One of these approaches must be used to allow connections to the Oracle database. Administrators should insure that the user and password provides access to all of the database objects referenced in the Omnidex Environment Files.

Additional Resources

See also:

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integration/rdbms/oracle/databases.txt ยท Last modified: 2016/06/28 22:38 (external edit)