This guide describes how to install and license the Omnidex software on a Linux operating system. The Omnidex installation performs the following tasks:
There are two methods of installing Omnidex. Many system administrators like to use the 'yum' facility to automatically install Omnidex. Others will prefer to manually download and install the RPM files. Both approaches are supported.
Omnidex should be installed using the 'root' system user. Alternatively, Omnidex can be installed with the sudo command.
The Omnidex repository must be copied to your system. The following Linux command will copy the Omnidex repository file.
For Red Hat or CentOS 6.x versions:
# wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d
For Red Hat or CentOS 5.x versions:
# wget -P /etc/yum.repos.d
For SuSE versions:
# wget -P /etc/zypp/repos.d
By default, yum will install the latest stable version of Omnidex, suitable for production applications. If you would like to access the most recent development version or a previous version of Omnidex, you must edit the Omnidex repository.
The repository contains three sections:
Choose which section you want to activate by setting “enabled = 1” for that section and “enabled = 0” for all other sections.
For Red Hat or CentOS versions:
Once the Omnidex repository is copied, Omnidex can be automatically installed using the command:
# yum install omnidex
You can update an existing version of Omnidex using the command:
# yum update omnidex
You can remove an existing version of Omnidex using the command:
# yum remove omnidex
If your repository is set to [omnidex-arch] as described above, you can view all available versions and install a particular version using the commands:
# yum list --showduplicates omnidex # yum install omnidex-<version> (eg. yum install omnidex-5.3-08D.el6.linux)
Note: To install an earlier version of Omnidex than the version currently installed, first remove Omnidex and then clear the yum cache.
# yum remove omnidex # yum clean metadata
For SuSE versions:
Once the Omnidex repository is copied, Omnidex can be automatically installed using the command:
# zypper install omnidex
You can update an existing version of Omnidex using the command:
# zypper update omnidex
You can remove an existing version of Omnidex using the command:
# zypper remove omnidex
If your repository is set to [omnidex-arch] as described above, you can view all available versions and install a particular version using the commands:
# zypper packages omnidex # zypper install omnidex-<version> (eg. zypper install omnidex-5.3-08D.el6.linux)
Note: To install an earlier version of Omnidex than the version currently installed, first remove Omnidex and then clear the yum cache.
# zypper remove omnidex # zypper clean
Omnidex should be installed using the 'root' system user. Alternatively, Omnidex can be installed with the sudo command.
If a previous version of Omnidex has been installed without using RPM, please remove this version of the software before proceeding.
Note that if you have installed Omnidex on databases, it is not necessary to remove the Omnidex indexes on those databases before installing a new version of Omnidex. The existing indexes may be able to be reused.
Download the software from the Downloads tab in this documentation. Be sure to choose correctly the version of Omnidex that matches your version of Linux.
Omnidex is available as an RPM file or as a TAR file. Both installations contain the same Omnidex software.
Omnidex is most easily installed using the RPM format. While logged on as the 'root' user, use the rpm command to install the software. Note that the exact filename will be different for each version of Omnidex.
# rpm -Uvf omnidex-5.3-07H.el6.linux.x86_64.rpm Preparing packages for installation... omnidex-5.3-07H.el6.linux
To use Omnidex with Java, you must set these environment variables:
export CLASSPATH="/opt/omnidex/lib/Omnidex.jar:$CLASSPATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="opt/omnidex/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" export LD_PRELOAD="<see below>"
To use OdxSQL as a Java client for testing purposes, you also must add the directory containing to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Additionally, it is recommended to set LD_PRELOAD to Java's library due to known compatibility issues with Java's signal handling with other applications, including Omnidex. This is necessary to avoid unexplained aborts of the JVM when connecting to Omnidex processes, such as when setting up application pooling using DBCP. Instructions for setting this variable can be found at the following link:
Omnidex is usually run as a service, though it can be run in a console window as well. The files needed to set up Omnidex as a service are automatically placed in /etc/init.d upon installation.
The following commands are available to manage the Omnidex service:
systemctl start omnidexd (start omnidex as a service) systemctl stop omnidexd (stop omnidex as a service) systemctl restart omnidexd (restart omnidex as a service) systemctl status omnidexd (check if omnidex is running as a service)
To manage whether the Omnidex service starts every time the system is rebooted, use the following commands:
chkconfig --add omnidexd (add omnidex service to startup) chkconfig --del omnidexd (remove omnidex service from startup) chkconfig --list omnidexd (check if omnidex service is in the startup)
If you have any difficulty installing Omnidex on your Linux operating system, please contact Technical Support for assistance.
See also: