Each new version of Omnidex brings a collection of improvements, from new features to increased performance. Here are the primary features and enhancements in the major releases of Omnidex:
Omnidex 4.2 introduces important capabilities for the relational database market. Omnidex has supported relational databases for over ten years prior to this release; however, Omnidex did not always support complex relational data models. Omnidex now supports complex relational data models, including table relationships requiring multi-column table constraints and multiple-level hierarchies. Omnidex 4.2 also introduces Unique Constraints, which describe the unique row identifier for those tables without native rowids or primary table constraints.
Omnidex 4.2 gains support for Oracle 10g, with versions 8 and 9 still supported.
Omnidex 4.2 includes a compatibility-mode release for 64-bit Windows architecture. Native 64-bit support is planned for a future release.
See also: