Software Installation: Release Notes

Each new version of Omnidex brings a collection of improvements, including new features, increased performance, and bug fixes. Here are the main features and enhancements in this release of Omnidex:

Omnidex version: 5.3.09 | 5.3.08 | 5.3.07 | 5.3.05 | 5.3.04 | 5.3.03 | 5.3.02 | 5.3.01

Omnidex 5.3.01 (September 2012)

Omnidex Query

The Omnidex Query tool is a Microsoft Windows-based tool for executing and tuning queries against an Omnidex environment. Omnidex Query can perform SQL queries, and can also easily set up demos of ActiveCounts and PowerSearch.

OmniSearch Java and .NET

The OmniSearch Java and .NET classes provide an easy way to create ActiveCounts and PowerSearch applications, including web-based applications. The OmniSearch classes handle all of the work of managing the SQL statement for an application, and provide values and their respective counts to be displayed for the user.

Support for VX/RMS on Linux

Omnidex now supports the VX/RMS interface on Linux servers. The VX/RMS interface emulates a DEC VMS environment on Linux machines. Omnidex 3.8 was the last version to directly support the DEC VMS environment; however, current versions of Omnidex now support the emulation on Linux servers.

Improved Error Logging

Omnidex now logs more information about error conditions so that they can be easily evaluated by support staff.

Improved Installation Process

The installation processes for Omnidex have been rewritten on both Microsoft Windows and Linux to make installations easier and faster.

A more detailed release history of these versions is also available, showing the individual patches and release dates.

Additional Resources

See also:

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install/releases/odx531.txt ยท Last modified: 2016/06/28 22:38 (external edit)